Monday, March 29, 2010

Marvelous Mondays

Ah, the end of the beginning. Monday is over but the week has just begun. I stayed in my pj's all day!!!! It was so nice. Let's see, what happened today? Bobby went to work at noon. The boys and I woke him up at 11am so we could spend a few minutes with him before work. Schyler didn't want to sleep much today. I guess he was making up for sleeping yesterday. LOL Sebastian was good for me today. He has this new thing of kissing stuff. Like his cup, toy or whatever he happens to be holding. For instance, I gave him juice after he signed more please, and when he took his cup from me he tasted it and then kissed his cup. It was so cute. Otherwise it was a Spongebob/UmiZoomi filled afternoon. I finally cleaned the house. I had been procrastinating badly on that but we have visitors coming in the morning.

Bobby emailed his schedule to me today and he actually got Easter off!!! Woo-hoo!!! This is a busy month for us. First we have Easter, then Schyler's 6 month appointment, our 6 year wedding anniversary, Bobby's birthday and we move. Plus Bobby has to go to Jax for a meeting but unfortunately it falls on his birthday so I don't get to spend the day with him. :( Did I mention Schyler turns 6 months in April! OMG, where did the time go? Our boys are growing up so fast!! I wish I could pin my eyelids back so I wouldn't be able to blink! (hehe)

I am looking forward to meeting with the PiVP moms some more. They were very nice Saturday at the Easter get together. I was nervous before hand. I hate meeting new people only because I am not very good at mingling. A few of them have become my friends on Facebook and I discovered that one of the moms is a photographer and has very reasonable prices. YAY!! I think we will use her for Schyler's six month pictures.

Tonight was bath night for the boys and while Sebastian was finishing dinner I was going to give Schyler a bath. Well while I was getting the water ready Sebastian decides to climb into the tub with all his clothes on and start playing. So it became a two for one deal. Which was better, at least then they both got a bath and I didn't have to go back later for Sebastian's bath. Schyler went to bed after his bath and Sebastian stayed up and finished his dinner. I knew it was time for bed when he crawled up on the couch and sat beside me and just stared at the tv with his little tired eyes. We went and brushed his teeth and did the Barney song and after I shut his door I didn't hear anything out of him. He was out! I watched a little more Project Runway and then started the dishwasher and came in here to blog. Ta-da!! And that was my night.

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